Life Insurance Resources
Does life insurance cover suicide? Explaining common life insurance exclusions.
All life insurers and life insurance policies have general and specific exclusions covering suicide, criminal and reckless activity, as well as high-risk occupations, occupational hazards, risky hobbies and pre-existing conditions.
Read more about suicide and life insuranceLife insurance through Super reduces your retirement benefits
Superannuation is primarily about savings for retirement. Life insurance through Super is convenient, but the premiums impact your retirement savings over time.
Read more about how life insurance through Super reduces your retirement benefitsLife insurance, income protection and TPD claims through Super funds can be slower
By the inherent design of insurance through Super, claims and payouts can be slower. Though there are other systematic issues that could be causing delay.
Read more about how claims through Super funds can be slowerLife Insurance policies through Super are subject to change and you can’t do much about it
When you have default life insurance through Super, the relationship with the insurer is with the Superannuation fund: not you. This means that changes can be made to policies: policies are not "guaranteed renewable".
Read more about why life insurance policies through Super are subject to changeDo I have life insurance through Super? Ten million Australians do, though only half are aware of it.
Life insurance through Super is the default for many people. But even if you’re a member of a Superannuation fund, it’s important to understand whether or not you have life insurance coverage and how much protection it offers.
Read more about if you have life insurance through Super